
Age | Born June 2021
Sex | Female (Spayed)
Info | Pollicina is a fifteen months old kitten living into a small kennel by the vet clinic. Although her life was everything but lucky until now, she is very positive and willing to live! She was run over when she was 6 months old, operated on, she never came home with her family.
The operation went fine but, since then, she has to be helped to pee 3 times a day (with a very quick and easy maneuver, which she is used to!); she is also felv+ . She is friends with every dog and cat passing by the veterinary office, she enjoys ambushing the tails of others and scurrying on the legs of anyone in the waiting room. But life would be much more beautiful out there, the world is big and the desire to explore it is great. We really hope a true and big heart out there has a space for her in their life!!

Location | Piemonte, Italy

Contact | call  +39 35 00 24 98 43