

Age | Born May 2013
Sex | Female (Spayed)
Info | Found wandering in the street on the outskirts of Naples.
She was together another male German Shepherd. The latter had a microchip and was returned to the owner who offered to house Sonya for a few days. Sonya was later recovered by the Astra association and retired.
Finally she came to Salva la Zampa in Milan.
Sonya lived in a pension box until she was adopted in Germany. She was very happy with my family. Unfortunately, my humans have underestimated my dark side and my strong predatory instinct towards small dogs. One day I knocked my humans off my bike and pounced on a mini dog. I hurt him a lot. The vets managed to save him. But the family didn’t want her anymore. So she returned to the volunteers of Salva la Zampa. She is very affectionate and willing to “do the right thing” or rather she seeks contact with the conductor and she wants to please. For her we seek adoption as an only child, we evaluate eventually adoption with a large breed male dog. No cats.
Location | Milan, Italy

Contact | | call +39 34 72 54 90 83